And each letter in a word really has a hidden meaning or secret behind its mathematical quantity. Many individuals believe there are an unlimited number of secrets in the Torah that can be unlocked utilizing gematria. If you cherished this article and you would like to get more info with regards to nicely visit our internet site. Each of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet is correlated with a specific number. Gematria (from Gr. γεωμετρία) is the computation of individual letters, words, or entire sentences utilizing their numerical equivalence. Some people believe that the words and ideas in the Torah may be connected with or understood from the numerical values and relationships. It is alleged that the numerical word value is not unintentional, but rather prearranged. Gematria is an alphanumeric code where letters and words in the Hebrew alphabet are assigned numbers, values, or calculations. It is commonly used in Jewish culture to understand text, particularly within the Torah, on a deeper and more spiritual level. In the 1200s the Hasidim of Ashkenaz (“German pietists,” a group of rabbis who practiced a mystical and ascetic form of Judaism, not to be confused with Hasidism, which developed 500 years later) used gematria in their mystical writings. Their writings influenced Abraham Abulafia of the Castilian school of Kabbalah, whose meditation techniques included contemplating different names of God. The kabbalist Moses Cordovero of Safed, Israel, in 1542 compiled a handbook called Pardes Rimonim (Garden of the Pomegranates), which includes many sections that expound on and elaborate previous systems of gematria. The first numerical cipher that is known to be assigned to the English Alphabet was by Cornelius Agrippa in 1533, in his work De Occulta Philosopha. Agrippa gave value to the English letters without trying to transliterate them from Hebrew or Greek, so L is 20, rather than 30 (for Lamed), M is 30, rather than 40 (for Mem) and N is 40, rather than 50 (for Nun). This cipher is sometimes erroneously labelled as “Jewish” or “Hebrew” by popular numerology calculators, such as Gematrix. Although a type of gematria system (‘Aru’) was employed by the ancient Babylonian culture, their writing script was logographic, and the numerical assignments they made were to whole words. The value of these words were assigned in an entirely arbitrary manner and correspondences were made through tables,[2] and so cannot be considered a true form of gematria. Aru was very different from the gematria systems used by Hebrew and Greek cultures, which used alphabetic writing scripts.


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