Anal fissures are small tears in the skin lining of the anus that can cause extreme discomfort, pain, and bleeding. They’re a typical problem that affects folks of all ages and will be caused by a wide range of factors. In this article, we will focus on the causes, signs, and deal withment options for anal fissures.


Anal fissures are sometimes caused by trauma to the anal area, resembling passing hard stools or constipation. Different frequent causes of anal fissures include:

Diarrhea – frequent diarrhea can irritate the anal area and cause fissures to develop.

Anal intercourse – anal intercourse can cause small tears in the anal lining, which can lead to anal fissures.

Crohn’s illness – this inflammatory bowel disease can cause inflammation and ulceration of the digestive tract, including the anus, leading to anal fissures.

Childbirth – during delivery, the anus and surrounding tissue could grow to be stretched and damaged, leading to anal fissures.

Chronic constipation – straining to have bowel movements frequently can cause anal fissures.


The signs of anal fissures can vary from person to person, however the commonest signs embody:

Ache during bowel movements – anal fissures can cause intense pain and discomfort when passing stools.

Bleeding – small quantities of shiny red blood could also be seen on the surface of stools or toilet paper after wiping.

Itching – the anal space might turn into itchy and sore as a result of presence of the fissure.

Discomfort and soreness – the anal area might really feel sore and tender, making it uncomfortable to sit down.


The treatment of anal fissures will depend on the severity of the condition and the undermendacity cause. In most cases, conservative deal withment measures can help to alleviate the signs and promote healing. A number of the commonest deal withment options for anal fissures embody:

Topical medicines – creams and ointments containing topical anesthetics, corticosteroids, and nitroglycerin may help to reduce pain and irritation within the anal area.

Warm baths – soaking in a warm bathtub for 10-quarter-hour may also help to soothe the anal area and reduce discomfort.

Fiber supplements – adding fiber supplements, equivalent to psyllium, to your weight loss program will help to soften stools and forestall constipation, which can exacerbate anal fissures.

Stool softeners – these medications help to soften stools, making them easier to pass without straining.

Surgical procedure – in severe cases, surgical procedure may be essential to repair the fissure and promote healing. This might involve cutting the inner anal sphincter muscle to reduce pressure on the fissure or using a particular glue to seal the tear.


Preventing anal fissures entails making lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of developing the condition. Some efficient prevention strategies embrace:

Consuming a high-fiber food plan – consuming loads of fiber-rich foods will help to keep stools soft and forestall constipation.

Drinking plenty of fluids – staying hydrated can assist to stop constipation and make stools simpler to pass.

Exercising regularly – regular physical activity can assist to improve bowel function and stop constipation.

Avoiding straining throughout bowel movements – taking your time when passing stools and avoiding extreme straining can reduce your risk of creating anal fissures.


Anal fissures could be a painful and uncomfortable condition, however they’re treatable with conservative measures in most cases. In case you are experiencing signs of anal fissures, it is important to see a healthcare provider for an accurate analysis and treatment plan. By making life-style modifications and following your healthcare provider’s recommendations, you’ll be able to stop anal fissures from recurring and enjoy better anal health

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