has applied to chop back two trees at his £11million Edwardian mansion less than two years after he won an acrimonious planning row to fell 15 others.

The Edward Scissorhands director, 64, of Hampstead, , is looking to chop down a weeping ash in his front garden and trim back an oak in his backyard.

It comes just two years after he won a heated planning battle with infuriated neighbours when he applied to tamper with 15 trees on his property. 

Mr Burton submitted two separate applications to Camden London Borough Council via Panda Trees to have the trees felled and pruned this year.

Tim Burton has applied to fell a weeping ash and prune an English oak tree at his £11million home in Hampstead, north London

Tim Burton has applied to fell a weeping ash and prune an English oak tree at his £11million home in Hampstead, north London 

Edward Scissorhands director Tim Burton, 64, got permission to cut down 15 trees on his property after months of an acrimonious dispute with local environmental groups in 2021

Edward Scissorhands director Tim Burton, 64, got permission to cut down 15 trees on his property after months of an acrimonious dispute with local environmental groups in 2021  

He hopes to chop down a weeping ash in his front garden due to honey fungus in its stem, a disease know to attack and kill the roots of woody and perennial plants. 

Photos supporting the application show honey-coloured what do magic mushrooms look like at the base of the tree, as well as apparent growth within one of the tree’s knots.

James Crawford, of Panda Trees, described the work as: ‘Sectional dismantle due to hazardous infection (honey fungus) found halfway up the main stem, with fruiting bodies around base of the main stem.’

Mr Burton also hopes to cut back an English Oak in order to reduce the weight of the tree due to its trunk being unstable. 

Mr Crawford said this would be a ‘slight reduction’ of the tree due to the weight of its main trunk.

Infuriated conservationists objected to the removal of a silver birch and viburnum tree at Mr Burton's home in March 2021

Infuriated conservationists objected to the removal of a silver birch and viburnum tree at Mr Burton’s home in March 2021 

However, Mr Burton’s gardening work infuriated Hampstead conservationists when he applied to have 15 trees cut back in 2021.

The Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee lobbied the council to refuse Mr Burton’s request – but were unsuccessful when he was given the green light with the authority saying it had ‘no objection to works to trees’ in May 2021. 

This infuriated conservationists who objected to the removal of a silver birch and viburnum which both had tree preservation orders against them – a law enacted by the local planning authority to protect trees or woodlands in the ‘interests of amenity’. 

<div class="art-ins mol-factbox news floatRHS" data-version="2" id="mol-2c3730f0-a091-11ed-ae94-4d7ca8b0c232" website Burton applies to chop down and prune two trees at his £11m home


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